CUBITEL: Cable, Unit considered Basic for Interconnection and Telecommunications.
In Cubitel we have been working with cables of all kinds for more than 30 years. We breathe cables, we are cables and we know the importance of having the right connection at all times. A simple cable can be a big problem during a critical deployment, but that’s what we are here for.
100% Spanish company: Production line and laboratory in Spain.
Cubitel is a 100% Spanish company with production line and technical laboratory in Madrid, Spain. We contribute and pay 100% of our taxes in Spain and Europe. Yes, we also have suppliers in Asia, but we do not renounce to our own design, innovation, production and certification capacity as basic pillars for the best possible service to our customers and collaborators in Spain, Europe and the rest of the world.
ISO certified company with homologation and participation in critical grade programs.
Cubitel is an ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified company that participates in different programs. We have several products approved in aerospace and telco TIER4 customers. Our workshop and laboratory is also certified and approved in different companies of the sector.
Mission and Goals.
Our mission and goals are those of our customers.
Simply that. We mimic and internalize the problems and needs of our customers and we always try to provide solutions in a timely manner. Whether with the supply of a simple interface adapter or with projects of hundreds of thousands of units. Our working model is to incorporate ourselves in the value chain of our customers, whether they are installers, engineering companies, operators, data centers or subcontractors. We save time, money, effort and aggravation to everyone who listens to us.
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CUBITEL aims to become a zero-emission company in the coming years.
Thus, since 2.022, CUBITEL has had a photovoltaic installation that covers a large part of its energy needs. energy needs and feeding the surplus generated into the electricity grid. The estimate of an independent auditor indicates that in a period of 1 year we avoid the emission into the atmosphere of 8 Tons. emissions of 8 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere. In other more understandable terms 8 x 509,400 litres of CO2 = 4,072,200 litres of CO2.
For this, CUBITEL S.L. has received a grant from the European Union through the NextGeneration EU Fund, in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, for (name of the action/project) within the programme of incentives linked to the self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources, as well as the implementation of renewable thermal systems of the Ministry of Energy and Climate Change. of renewable thermal systems of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, managed by the Demographic Challenge, managed by the Community of Madrid, through the Energy Foundation.