The new mobile network topologies (5G) are posed with greater deployment options for Telecom Operators. Especially in areas where it is difficult or very costly to install new infrastructure.

Linking BBUs (baseband units) to RRHs (remote radios) via optical fiber allows them to be separated by a greater distance, either locally (tens of meters) or in an extreme link via C-RAN architecture.

The CPRI (Common Public Radio) standard facilitates this task. Additionally, FTTA (Fiber to The Antenna) links make fiber optics an essential element for the deployment of new generation mobile networks.

Cubitel offers a wide range of cabling and interconnection elements for CPRI and FTTA environments from different operators and manufacturers: Ericsson, ZTE, Samsung, Huawei and Nokia among others.

Reinforced cabling for indoor/outdoor deployments:

Fullaxs, ODVA, Nokia, MPO.

IP interconnection boxes, adapters and fiber optic distributors.